
Register for our next Home Seller Training Sessions here!

The Witkins Realty Team has a unique approach to real estate education: many teams offer buyer and seller workshops, but we’ve designed our sessions to cover not only the process, but the structural reasons why our market is so strong, the role of each member of your team (lenders, inspectors, realtors, andothers), and up-to-date market analysis. Each session lasts about an hour, and we’ll stick around until we answer every question in the room.

Home Buyer and Home Seller
Training Sessions Winter 2024

Saturday, January 20, 10:30AM
Saturday, February 17, 10:30AM
RE/MAX Preferred, 5320 Monona Drive, Monona

⇥ Will changing mortgage rates impact sellers?
⇥ Is this market different from when I bought my home?
⇥ What things inspire homebuyers to compete?
⇥ What makes our area’s market so strong?

We’ve never really seen a real estate market like this in the Madison area. It’s a sellers’ market, except when it’s not. Buyers need to compete aggressively, but not always. Prices continue to increase, but there’s still value out there.

Make sense? If not, you’re not alone. We love to explore these questions, and we’ll be doing a lot of that, starting with our first Training Session for Home Sellers on January 20, at 5320 Monona Drive in Monona.

Click below for more info and to register, or just get in touch with us here. It’ll be worth your time, and we’ll see you there!

Register at EventBrite: